We believe that home-based learning not only reinforces classroom learning. it also helps our young people to develop skills and attitudes that they need for successful lifelong learning such as good organisation and self-confidence. It should support the development of independent learning skills including the habits of inquiry and investigation and it should help foster the role of parents and carers as co-educators of their children. All students have access to a wide range of support both through homework club and teacher-led study support but also through access to ICT and devices.
Following the Government guidelines, Ridgeway Academy issues the following amounts of homework with regularity. These allocations are based on hours per day but may depend on students’ curriculum requirements.
Year 7 – 1 hour
Year 8 – 90 minutes
Year 9 – 2 hours
Year 10/11 – 2.5 to 3 hours
Year 12/13 – 5 hours per subject
In some cases, staff will set longer-term pieces of work or project-based work to support students in developing independent learning skills.
In the Sixth Form, the amount of work students will undertake independently, outside class time will be considerable. Students need to take responsibility for this themselves using the platforms set up by their consortium school. Ridgeway Academy uses Google Classroom. These platforms are used to share resources and assignments with students and also offer a contact point for teaching staff.
We have a policy not to set excessive homework across holiday periods for Key Stage 3 students but where necessary work will be expected for Years 10-13 over the holidays. We recognise that family time is precious and we want our students to rest and enjoy creative, cultural and sporting activities during the holidays.
Ridgeway Academy will ensure that:
- home-based learning is set in line with guidance and agreed standards.
- teaching staff offer timely effective feedback which helps students improve.
- tasks meet individual students’ needs, provide stretch and challenge and are well-structured.
- students understand the purpose of the home-based learning tasks as they are clearly linked with the school curriculum.
- it is clear to students how their home-based learning consolidates and extends the work they are doing in school.
- home-based learning is set to the home-based learning timetable where appropriate.
- home-based learning is set and recorded through Google Classroom where appropriate.
- the school provides appropriate rewards and sanctions in line with the Rewards and Consequences system.
- we clearly communicate with parents if students fail to complete home-based learning adequately or regularly fail to hand it in on time.
Form Tutors will support subject teachers by:
- checking that students have their planner every morning.
- communicating with the year group Director of Learning if any home-based learning-related issues arise.
- communicating with parents to ensure students are able to access and complete all work set.
Students should
- use Google Classroom to check the home-based learning which has been set each day and to ensure they understand what they are required to do.
- allow adequate time to complete their home-based learning to a standard that reflects their understanding and best efforts.
- where possible, find a quiet environment to complete their home-based learning, either in school or at home.
- take initiative for their own learning, exploring and developing their understanding beyond the tasks set.
Home Based Learning Help
Some students struggle with independence and organisation when it comes to doing homework.
Parents can help in the following ways:
- Check students’ homework Planner daily. If they have trouble recording homework in a way that you can understand, contact us and we will arrange teacher support. Most evenings they will have one or two pieces of homework which will vary in style and length, depending on the student’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Set clear times and routines for completing homework. We always recommend that homework is started on the day that it is set so that it is fresh in the student’s mind.
- Make sure there is a quiet place where they can concentrate; if this is impossible they can attend homework club or use the library.
- If they struggle with homework, let us know so that we can help. A homework club run by teaching assistants takes place after 3.00pm in K2 but we can help in other ways, too. If you think your child is spending too much or too little time on homework please let us know.
- If you find they need to do research, the Library is open during the school day and after school and the librarian is very willing to help. Students also have access to ICT in both areas.
- Give them as much help as you can but please do not do it for them.
- Encourage them to do it as carefully, thoroughly and neatly as possible, taking pride in their work at all times.
- All students have a Google Classroom login which is linked to their school email account. Students will be automatically invited to join the online classroom for each subject by they must ensure that they can access Google Classroom early in the school year and this must be checked regularly. If you have any password or access issues for student email or Google Classroom please email ictsupport@ridgeway.aat.school