Ridgeway Academy provides careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to students at all stages of their school career.
Careers Lead: Paul Flanagan SLT Link: Helen Jenner Contact Details: It is vital that we regularly review the impact that the Careers Programme has on students and we will use this information to improve our delivery across all year groups, to all ability levels and to the sub-groupings within these. To achieve this, our intention is to complete a combination of the following reviews, to publish the findings and use them to progress our delivery of the school’s Careers Programme. We use the following methods: To view our results, please click on the button below:
Ridgeway Academy 8 Gatsby Benchmarks EAN Certificate – Please click here to view
Statutory careers guidance can be found by visiting The Department for Education website
Useful Contacts
Parents and students can access information and website links about careers information and Post 16 options by clicking on the relevant links below:
Main website for the National Careers Service, there are links to job profiles, CV writing and other careers information.
Web-site to help match skills and personalities to over 400 job profiles.
Helps to explore your personality type, is completely free and gives an informative and detailed profile. Can also help when writing personal statements and CV’s.
Success at School Subject Guides – Linking subjects with careers
Ridgeway Academy are always seeking to hear from local employers who would be able to support our students with any of the following events. If you would like any further information on how to get involved, please contact Miss Jenner via email at All our staff have access to Unifrog our online platform. This has resources and monitoring features to help add careers provision to the curriculum. All parents can access Unifrog to ensure they have all current Labour market information. Ridgeway Academy includes Careers news in their newsletters and through the Ridgeway Twitter account. Labour Market Information for Hertfordshire – Please click here to view Students will have access to work experience in Year 10, 11 and 12. For more information please see out Work Experience PAGECareers information for employers
Careers information for teachers
Careers information for Parents
Work experience
2024 Destinations
Uni of Bristol
City, University of London
Mechanical and Desigh Engineering
Uni of Reading
Operating Theatre Practice
Musical Theatre
Uni of Derby
Primary Education with QTS
Anglia Ruskin University
Uni of Herts
Automovive Engineering with motorsport
Uni of Westminster
Accounting and Business Management
Bournemouth Uni
Mechanical Engineering (integrated masters)
Northampton University
Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning
Uni of Herts
Computer Science (AI)
Uni of Central Lancashire
Aviation – Pilot (subject to medical)
Nottingham Trent University
Business Management and Marketing
Uni of Brighton
Physical Education with QTS
Uni of Derby
Roehampton University
Uni of Cardiff
Computer Science
Uni of Reading
Degree Level Apprenticeship
Investment Banking