Ridgeway Academy SEND
Working together to help you achieve.
Ridgeway Academy aims to embrace the needs of all students and has a whole-school approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our aim is to provide opportunities for all students by responding to students’ diverse and often complex learning needs by overcoming barriers to learning within lessons. Ridgeway School recognises the definition of SEND as described in the SEND Code of Practice 0- 25, 2014. More details of which can be found HERE Admissions for all students to Ridgeway Academy are handled by the Local Education Authority, including for students with Education, Health and Care plans, disabilities and Looked after Children. A copy of our Admission’s Policy can be found on our school website. Another useful link is to the Local Authority’s Local Offer that outlines support and services for SEND available within Hertfordshire: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/localoffer Our SEND provision is co-ordinated by the Learning Support Faculty, under the SENDCO, Mrs. Faye Mills. If you require additional information, or wish to discuss SEND provision at Ridgeway Academy, please contact our SENDCO Faye Mills: millsf@ridgeway.aetrust.uk For our trust wide Complaints, SEND and Single Equality policies, please click HERE to be redirected to the policies page on the Ambition Education Trust website. To support KS4&5 students who have confirmed Access Arrangements, here are some resources that parents/carers may find useful in supporting their child.Useful resources for KS4/5 students with Access Arrangements