Pupil Premium
The Government provides academies and schools with additional funding to help reduce the inequalities and gaps in attainment between those students who are on free school meals (or have been in in the last 6 years) and their peers. This funding is called the Pupil Premium.
Every academy and school can select how they chose to use their Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for students. Pupil Premium funding was first introduced in April 2011. It is allocated to pupils who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals or have received free school meals in the last six years, pupils who are looked after and pupils who are previously looked after (adopted from foster care). Your child could get a free school meal if you receive any of the following: Applications to receive or check eligibility for free school meals is managed through Hertfordshire County Council. The online application takes 5 mins and in most cases we can tell you straightaway if your child can get free meals at school. Click here for further information. Our vision goes well beyond simply narrowing the gap between those who are economically advantaged and those who are not. We are determined to ensure that all students, irrelevant of background or prior attainment, have the qualifications and attributes necessary to succeed at a world class university or prestigious apprenticeship. Please click here to access our Pupil Premium Financial Support Request form. Please see the PDF attachments for a detailed breakdown of how PP funding is allocated across a range of initiatives at Ridgeway Academy. We are particularly proud of our individually tailored provision to identify and meet the barriers to progress of each of our Pupil Premium students. Sarah Merrigan – Assistant Headteacher / Lead DSP – MerriganS@ridgeway.aat.schoolEligibility for Free School Meals
Use of the Pupil Premium Funding at Ridgeway Academy
Pupil Premium Financial Support Request
Review Documentation
Key Staff