Uniform & Equipment
Students at Ridgeway Academy are expected to wear full school uniform. The uniform is very smart and distinctive, and upholds the value we place on high standards at every level in the school. Students are proud to wear their uniform and are excellent ambassadors for the school.
All students in Years 7 to 11 wear school uniform. This is to encourage a sense of pride in Ridgeway Academy, discourage competition over dress and prevent students from wearing unsuitable clothes to school. We are aware a high standard of uniform has a positive impact on behaviour in school and on making a calm, purposeful working environment for all students. When students are dressed in the correct school uniform, they are positive role models for their peers and present a positive and impressive image of the school in the local community. On the grounds of health & safety, students must not wear any other jewellery, except for a watch. However, students who have pierced ears may wear one small stud (no sleepers) in each earlobe, but these must be removed for all PE lessons. NO other form of body piercings are allowed in school and will have to be removed. Should students wear jewellery this will be confiscated and placed in the school safe until the end of the day. NB: HOODIES / SPORTS JACKETS, TRAINERS AND BOOTS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL BE CONFISCATED IF WORN Items are all available from Stevensons in St Albans or Smarty Schoolwear in Hatfield It is essential all students should have a bag strong enough to protect their books and belongings from damage and the weather. The school provides textbooks, exercise books, file paper, resources and a personal student area for work that can be accessed from school or from home. There are other items of equipment, however, which parents are expected to provide. All students will need essential items of equipment which will be checked regularly by the Form Tutor: Stationery Shop The following stationery/equipment is available to purchase via Wisepay: All purchases are made from Student Services.Uniform & Equipment
General Appearance
01727 853262
01707 263909Girls’ Uniform
Boys’ Uniform
Games PE Kit
School Bag