“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob MarleyMusic
Music is experienced every day by everyone, but it’s not always a skill that every individual claims to possess. We aim to bridge the gap and make music accessible to all, even if you are not musical, you can still get involved and achieve. We help with this, by offering a wide range of music topics in lessons, as well as opportunities to access music outside of the classroom, though clubs, individual lessons and extra-curricular activities All components also link to 4 areas of study. These are: Area of study 1: Musical Forms and Devices Area of study 2: Music for Ensemble Area of study 3: Film Music Area of study 4: Popular Music.Welcome to the Music Department – Head of Music: Miss F Whitbread
KS3 Overview
Across Key Stage 3 we offer a wide range of topics, ranging from the “Elements of Music” in year 7, to understanding “Music for Media” in year 9. We also offer everything in between; “Rap and Hip Hop”, “Rock and Pop”, “Film Music”, “Music Technology” and “Jazz and Blues”, Building all the skills to progress into Key Stage 4, and also focusing on all the main areas of the National Curriculum for Music, Performance, Composition and Listening Skills.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Maps
There are a number of extra-curricular opportunities for students at Ridgeway Academy. Every year, the school puts on a musical production, as well as performing arts concerts and shows. A list of our most recent shows can be found below: The Music department runs multiple clubs and bands catered for all standards. The music department is well-equipped, with two full-sized teaching classrooms, a further four practice rooms, one of which is a recording studio and a music-specific computer suite.Extra-Curricular