Extra-curricular and enrichment programme
At Ridgeway Academy, students have access to extra-curricular clubs from across many subjects as well as through the House System and other whole school enrichment programmes. The school runs the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold Level, and has offered expeditions overseas through Camps International to countries including Cambodia and Costa Rica.
At Ridgeway Academy, we use a system called SOCS to manage our extra-curricular programme from initial student sign-up through to the registering of attendance for clubs and end of year reporting. Through SOCS, teachers, students and parents/carers can view and sign-up students to our range of clubs, activities and interventions for each half-term. Your unique login details will enable you to view the academic and extra-curricular timetable for your child and will help you to encourage and monitor your child’s engagement with our wider extra-curricular offer.
Lunchtime / Afterschool Club Timetables