Media Studies at Ridgeway Academy is an engaging, challenging and contemporary subject which is relevant to students’ lives as the media saturates everything we do in the developed world in the 21st Century. It is designed to help students develop a wider understanding and appreciation of the media, both historical and contemporary and their role in society, culture and politics.
Students follow the OCR specification for Media Studies. During Year 10, students learn the key elements/subject terminology of the whole course alongside two modules: Television and Promoting Media. Then in Year 11, students study two further modules: Music and News. Students also complete a non-exam assessment (NEA). The two set texts are Vigil, Series 1, Episode 1 and The Avengers from 1965. The set text is The Lego Movie. The set products are Mojo Magazine, BBC Live Lounge and two music videos. The set products are The Observer Newspaper and The Observer/Guardian website and social media. This is the non-exam assessment.Welcome to the Media Department – Subject Leader: Mrs T Yelland
Students engage with an in-depth study of one contemporary and one historic television products.Promoting Media
Students study media products from a global conglomerate producer illustrating the media forms of film, advertising and marketing, and video games.Music
Students engage with an in-depth study covering music magazines, a comparative study of music videos and a study of contemporary radio.News
Students engage with a one in-depth study of online news, including its social and participatory media. Students also study contemporary and historical newspaper front pages and how they illustrate changing social, cultural, historical and political contexts.Creating Media
Students apply their knowledge and understanding of media language and representations to create a media product of their own. Students begin this in the summer term of Year 10 and complete it in the Autumn term of Year 11.Key Stage 4 Curriculum Maps